Motivational tips to work your core
A core workout is an essential part of a fitness routine, but sticking with any exercise program isn't always easy. Success is more likely to be yours if you set goals and follow a few tips to boost flagging motivation. If you're spending more time making excuses than doing those planks and bridges, we can help you identify - and smooth out -- common bumps in the road. Motivate yourself You do your best work when motivated, right? That extends to exercise, too. It's not uncommon to launch a new exercise program raring to go, only to wind up back on the couch with your feet propped up just a few weeks later. If your will wavers, the following tips may help. Refresh your memory. Remind yourself how the exercises will help you by reading your goals again. Emphasize the positive aspects. Rather than sternly saying, I should do my core exercises," try saying aloud "My back feels better when I do my gentle core exercises and stretches" or "My balan...