4 ways to get better sleep
People with insomnia struggle to get a good night's rest and wonder how to sleep better. They may be plagued by trouble falling asleep, unwelcome awakenings during the night, or fitful sleep - alone or in combination. They feel drowsy during the day and yet be unable to nap. Insomnia can leave a person feeling anxious and irritable or forgetful and unable to concentrate. Finding an effective solution requires uncovering the cause. Nearly half of insomnia cases stern from psychological or emotional issues. Stressful events, mild depression, or an anxiety disorder can make falling asleep and staying asleep difficult. Ideally, once the underlying cause is treated, the insomnia improves. First-line treatment: Behavioral changes If you are having trouble sleeping or sleeping well, the following four technique may help you sleep better. Sleep restriction. Fight the tendency to spend a lot of time in bed with the hope of falling asleep. In reality, less time in bed help...