CGRP: A new era for migraine treatment
Migraine is a common medical condition, affecting as many as 37 million people in the US. It is considered a system illness, not just a headache. Recent research has demonstrated that changes may begin to occur in the brain as long as 24 hours before migraine symptoms begin. Many patients have a severe throbbing headache, often on only one side of the head. Some people are nauseated with vomiting. Many are light sensitive (photophobic) and sound sensitive (phonophobic), and these symptoms can persist after the pain goes away. There are a variety of migraine subtypes with symptoms that include weakness, numbness, visual change or loss, vertigo, and difficulty speaking (some patients may appear as if they are having a stroke). The disability resulting from this chronic condition is tremendous, causing missed days of work and loss of ability to join family activities. It is sometimes possible for people to use an "abortive" medication, which, when taken early, can arrest ...